
Find solutions to error codes or test your kiln's elements & relays with a power test.

Error Codes

The error codes are displayed as an “E” followed by a “-” then a number or letter. For example “E-1” stands for error one.

NOTE: If you get an error code it is important to note the error letter or number. It will help in diagnosing any problem with the kiln.

These errors will only be detected if error codes (ERCD) are on:

The error code setting does not affect these errors:

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Power failure. Firing has stopped

Probable Causes and/or Corrections

Power was lost during a firing and the kiln temperature was below 1400F or the kiln temperature dropped more than 250 degrees during the power outage.



Key was held too long or is stuck

Probable Causes and/or Corrections

If problem persists after releasing key, controller may need to be returned to the factory for keypad replacement.



Steady FAIL indicates all t/c’s have failed. If FAIL alternately flashes with TC 1, then t/c one (top section) has failed. If FAIL alternately flashes with TC 2, then t/c two (middle section) has failed. If FAIL alternately flashes with TC 3, then t/c three (bottom section) has failed.

Probable Causes and/or Corrections

Check the board temperature in the Menu. If board temp displayed with bd T is approximately room temperature, then the t/c is defective. If bd T display shows a high temperature or FAIL without showing room temperature, circuit board is defective.



ERRP and the current temperature are alternately flashing. To clear the display, press the “1” key. The firing in progress will continue.

Probable Causes and/or Corrections

Power outage; kiln is still firing.



Invalid 16-segment firing attempted

Probable Causes and/or Corrections

Reprogram and restart firing.



Microprocessor memory does not match program storage memory (EEprom)

Probable Causes and/or Corrections

Reprogram and try to fire again. If error persists, controller may need to be returned to factory for service.



Hardware error

Probable Causes and/or Corrections

Controller will need to be returned to the factory for service.



Board temperature too high

Probable Causes and/or Corrections

The control box temperature may be too hot or the limit temperature may need to be reset. If the room temperature is very hot, aiming a fan at the control box may decrease the temperature.



Invalid program variable

Probable Causes and/or Corrections

Reprogram all eight segments of the program being fired. If error persists, controller may need to be returned to factory for service.



Power loss during EEprom write

Probable Causes and/or Corrections

Turn the controller off and back on. Recheck the selected program and reprogram, if necessary.



Software thermocouple selection does not match the hardware thermocouple jumper selection

Probable Causes and/or Corrections

The jumper on the circuit board and the setting for thermocouple TYPE in the software do not match.



In cone fire mode, temperature decreasing in last segment

Probable Causes and/or Corrections

If the kiln has a kiln-sitter, it may have turned the kiln off before the controller did. Other possible causes are broken element or relay failure.



Problem with thermocouple leads

Probable Causes and/or Corrections

This generally indicates the thermocouple is connected incorrectly, possibly reversed. Ensure the thermocouple extension wires are connected correctly to the controller and at all connection blocks back to the thermocouple.



Software Error

Probable Causes and/or Corrections

Check the selected program and reprogram, if necessary. If error persists or program does not hold in memory, controller may need to be returned to factory for service.



Kiln temperature 50 degrees F above traveling set point

Probable Causes and/or Corrections

Stuck relay or stuck output. If using zone control, then the outputs or t/c's may be in the wrong zones.

E-22 or E-26


Error in readings

Probable Causes and/or Corrections

Check for reversed thermocouple leads. If leads are correct, then the analog to digital converter on the circuit board may not be functioning and the controller may need to be returned to the factory for service.



Kiln temperature 50 degrees F below traveling set point when ramping down

Probable Causes and/or Corrections

Relay failure.



Kiln temperature 50 degrees F above previous hold when ramping down

Probable Causes and/or Corrections

A relay latched in the on position may cause this error. Another possible cause is if the kiln lid is opened for rapid cooling, then closed, such as for glass firings.



Kiln temperature 50 degrees F below hold temperature

Probable Causes and/or Corrections

Relay failure.



Kiln temperature 50 degrees F above hold temperature

Probable Causes and/or Corrections

A relay latched in the on position may cause this error. Another possible cause is if the kiln lid is opened for rapid cooling, then closed, such as for glass firings.



Kiln temperature increasing slower than 12 degrees F per hour when ramping up

Probable Causes and/or Corrections

This is a kiln heating problem, not a controller problem. Do the Full Power Test to check elements and relays. Low or dropping voltage to the kiln could also be the cause. A thermocouple reading incorrectly or improperly placed may also be the cause.

Click on a code to view the description, probable causes, and potential correction(s).

Video Tutorials

Visit our Video Tutorials page for helpful videos on using your Bartlett kiln controller.

Full Power Test

Please note, a full power test is not an appropriate action for every error code.

The full power test is used to check the relays and elements of the kiln. Program a 1-segment Ramp-Hold program to go up as fast as possible to 1000°F with no hold (1 segment, RA1 9999, oF1 1000, HLd1 0000) or program a Fast Glaze program to cone 04. Leave the lid of the kiln open and start the firing. Visually inspect the elements after the kiln has fired for 10 to 20 minutes. Observe each element from where it comes into the kiln all the way around to see that it is equally bright throughout.

The following observations are possible:

  • One section of the kiln is dark and not going on. This indicates a defective relay since there is usually one relay per section.
  • One element is not glowing at all. This indicates a broken element.
  • There are darker (cool) spots along the elements. This indicates worn elements.
  • The top and bottom elements appear brighter. This is normal for many kilns that have hotter elements in the top and bottom.
  • After you have made your observations, turn off the kiln.